You’ve worked hard for what you have; don’t let your hard-earned money and assets be wasted due to a failure to plan ahead. At Michelle Tuschinski, Attorney at Law, we assist individuals and families throughout Virginia in utilizing strategic legal measures to protect their money and assets. This allows them to access what they need and ensure their families are still taken care of after they have passed away. so they can access them when they are needed and ensure their families are still taken care of after they have passed away. To address your asset protection concerns, contact our firm.

Goals of Asset Protection

There are several different reasons you may want to consider asset protection at any point in your life. Asset protection can keep your money and other valuables protected from future creditors as well as during a divorce. The best way to ensure that asset protection works is to take the steps necessary prior to a claim being made against you. Once a claim has been made, protecting your assets becomes much more difficult.

Who Should Consider Asset Protection

People who are common targets for lawsuits and other claims are more likely to find themselves in need of asset protection. For example, professionals in high-risk occupations, or people who are independently wealthy, are often targeted due to their affluence.

However, asset protection is not limited to a special few. Many people from different walks of life should consider utilizing asset protection methods to best support themselves and those they love most. If you are unsure how asset protection can serve you and your family, we invite you to contact our firm and speak with Michelle Tuschinski, Attorney at Law.

Asset Protection Methods

There are various legal tools that can be utilized to provide asset protection. Which ones will work best for you depends on your particular circumstances. Our firm is well-versed in many different asset protection methods and trained to recognize the best fit, especially those listed below:


There are many different types of trusts, and we can help determine which types will best serve your needs and offer you the greatest protection.

Creation of a Business

Formation of a business, such as a limited liability company, can offer much-needed asset protection. As a separate entity, your business may provide personal liability protection.

Pre & Post Marital Agreements

Sometimes, our clients need their assets protected from their spouses, and we are able to accomplish this through pre & post-marital agreements.

Want To Learn More About How You Can Protect Your Assets? Contact Michelle Tuschinski, Attorney At Law

You owe it to yourself and your family to protect your hard-earned assets. Contact Michelle Tuschinski, Attorney at Law, to find out the best way for you to meet your asset protection needs. We look forward to hearing from you.